If you are a creative looking for a role, I cannot recommend Nick’s services enough. One of the best. Aldo Ferretto - Creative Director, The Hallway

Technically speaking, yes it is recruitment in the sense that we come with an in-depth understanding of the industry, the market and available opportunities. But not in how we like to approach it. So let’s avoid that word. It’s clunky and corporate. We’re not. We’re not interested in just ticking whatever boxes exist in whatever the situation is to get the job done and filled (even though we’ll do that too).

We want to make sure we understand the true goals of both sides of the coin and that we can help build the right relationships to achieve them. We’re interested in building trust and getting to know who we’re working with so we can really get to the core of what they’re after.

Hire Ground founder, Nick Berman, has over 10 years experience in recruiting forcreative roles, from graphic designers to marketing managers. He started Hire Ground to ensure that the work he does can offer true career guidance, honest connections and long-term support. Hire Ground are connected with Australia’s leading design, production and operations businesses and understand the ins and outs of industries like advertising, marketing, motion, design, media and everything in-between. We understand and embrace the challenges of the current work environment and are keen to facilitate discussions around this with candidates and businesses. We’re here so you can make the most of this kind of existing network and help you access roles you may have not heard of, and talent you could only dream of.

Conversations lead to conversations.
So, let’s start with a conversation.

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